Tuesday 21 December 2010

Merry Christmas!

Tomorrow, there is a Christmas party at our school in Logroño. You are welcome!

(El Cartel del programa ha sido diseñado por ©DANIEL GIL RAMÍREZ, alumno de 1º Nivel Básico de That's English! y ganador del concurso de carteles de Navidad)

Web URL: http://masqueclases.blogspot.com/2010/12/fiesta-de-navidad.html

If you want to sing some Christmas Carols, here are a few samples (with lyrics):

Web URL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TKu9-cKkA38

Web URL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=55j7rLp8iIY

Web URL:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UoFw_7BuOz8

Wednesday 15 December 2010

A great hit ever

I have found two different videos I think you will enjoy watching. The first one is on Vaughan tv, but you can watch it thanks to youtube. By the way, it is a pity we cannot watch that channel for free in La Rioja yet. Maybe in the near future!

First video: You will listen to a man talking about the time when Grease, the film, became so famous (... and still is!). Do this TRUE/FALSE task while you are watching the video:

**** Exercise:

1. June 1978: The song spent two weeks at the top of the charts in the United States.
2. At that time, the World Cup began and Argentina beat Holland 3-1.
3. In 1978, Charles Chaplin's coffin disappeared for ever.
4. Olivia Newton John was very nervous about Grease.
5. John Travolta was in New York at the same time as Olivia, so they met there.
6. While he was recording for his film "Saturday Night Fever", she was working at the Metropolitan.
7. Olivia was an actress who sang and Travolta, a singer who also became an actor.
8. Olivia was the name of Travolta's girlfriend in the movie.

Web URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Dz7oDBPT4Gs

1. F (one week)
2. T
3. F (Then, it was found)
4. T
5. T
6. T
7. F (viceversa)
8. F (No, the female character's name was Sandy. Danny was in love with Sandy. Olivia was the actress who played that role. Travolta was the actor and Danny, the male character))

Then, in the second video, you can sing along the main characters, while watching the scene in which they were dancing and singing one of the most famous songs of this film: "You are the one I want" (with lyrics).

English can certainly be fun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Web URL: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gyUWkQj0Q_U

Saturday 27 November 2010

Time to dance and sing!

---- Well, today is Saturday and some people may go dancing tonight. Next time you listen to these songs, you may feel tempted to sing along! Or at least, you will know what they speak about, thanks to lots of contributors on youtube!Here are a few:

*** Say Hey (I Love You) Lryics Michael Franti & Spearhead (video clip above, thanks to youtube (VEVO)

*** FloRida - Club Can't Handle Me ft. David Guetta + [ Lyrics On Screen ] - HD/HQ

*** David Guetta Ft. Kid Cudi - Memories Lyrics

*** DJ Got Us Falling In Love Again Lyrics HD | Usher feat. Pitbull

*** Enrique Iglesias - I Like It ( ft. Pitbull ) + [LYRICS ON SCREEN] - HQ/HD

*** Katy Perry - Teenage Dream + [ Lyrics on Screen ] - HQ/HD (NEW SINGLE SONG 2010)

*** Lady Gaga - Alejandro lyrics

*** Replay By Iyaz with lyrics

*** David Guetta - Sexy Chick (Featuring Akon)

*** David Guetta & Chris Willis - Love Is Gone - Music Video
(a very funny video, even if the topic is sad!)

*** Tubthumping (I Get Knocked Down) Lyrics

*** Meet Me Half Way_Black eyed peas(With Lyrics)

*** Empire state of mind Jay-Z ft. Alicia Keys

*** david guetta ft. kelly rowland -when love takes over lyrics

*** Bon Jovi - It's my life (lyrics y subtitulos en español live!)

---- Or you may just enjoy singing and reading the lyrics of a song at home!(a good pronunciation exercise, by the way!)

*** Fireflies-Owl City music video w/ lyrics

*** OCEANA - cry,cry (lyrics)

*** Katy Perry - Firework Lyrics HD

*** Bruno Mars-Just The Way You Are With Lyrics

*** Black eyed peas - where is the love (lyrics)

---- Or you just may want to have a laugh while trying to understand what they are saying! Don't miss next video, then:

*** Beyonce & Justin Timberlake - Single ladie (With Georgian style)

Enjoy yourselves!

Saturday 20 November 2010

Cómo buscar algo en el blog

**** Si quereis ver el horario de emisión de programas en TVE, haced click en el lateral derecho: "Buscar por tema/curso": calendario TVE

**** Sugerencias de temas para redactar en 1º Intermedio y 2º de Intermedio: Ver en lateral derecho: "Buscar por tema/curso": Compositions_Mod (6, 7, 8 y 9). Estas sugerencias son para mis alumnos en concreto. Consultad con vuestro tutor o tutora concretos.

**** Entradas de lecciones concretas. Por razones claras, solo he podido incluir entradas de lecciones concretas de los grupos que imparto yo: Presenciales de NB2 (2º Nivel Básico) y de distancia de NI1 (1º Nivel Intermedio: Módulos 6 y 7) y NI2 (2º Nivel Ibntermedio: Módulos 8 y 9. Si eres alumno de esos cursos, te pueden ser útiles. Ver lateral derecho, apartado "Buscar por tema/curso" y hacer click en el subapartado. Por ejemplo, un alumno de 1º Nivel Intermedio que está estudiando la lección 3 del Módulo 6, debe hacer click en Mod6_L3.

**** Todos podeis repasar vuestras lecciones en el enlace que hay en el lateral derecho: "Useful blogs and sites": Exercises: Refuerzo para That's English!

**** Si sois alumnos de That's English! y no podeis acudir a las tutorías colectivas, os recomiendo que llameis y/o mandeis pronto un email a vuestro tutor o tutora, presentándoos. No lo dejeis para más tarde, ya que es importante que mantengais la comunicación con vuestro tutor/a, para aprovechar bien el curso: envío y corrección de redacciones, fechas concretas de exámenes, y en su caso (Básico 2 e Intermedio 2) solicitud obligatoria previa y plazo (1 al 15 de marzo)para solicitar la Prueba de Certificación, y demás pautas que os puedan orientar en vuestro estudio a distancia.

Wednesday 17 November 2010

Linking words

Some students asked me, in class, to give you a list of connectors, conjunctions, etc.,that is to say, any linking word which you can use when speaking and/or in your compositions.

First, you can watch this nice oldie:

Now, you can read this example, in which linking words are in bold:

In English, the same as in Spanish, we tend to use some linking words to create more complex sentences, to join paragraphs and, in other words, to enrichen our speech or writing, so as not to just build up rather simple sentences. However, many students find it difficult to feel confident enough about which linking word they should use and when. In other words, they tend to use the same connectors all the time and consequently, their compositions, for example, may appear repetitive. And, what is worse, they may even look like tasks carried out by someone whose level is lower, not showing the real level of an Intermediate or Advanced student. So, there are a few hints a student should follow in order to create more complex sentences, without forgetting that a rather too long sentence is even worse than a simple one, though. In addition, you must always bear in mind that, when using connectors, it is important to learn not only the words themselves but also their adecuate position and usage in sentences.

Now, you can have a look at the following links:

Conjunctions: discussions and interactive exercises

List of connectors


Connectors in English, translated into Spanish, with examples.

Have a look at the explanations this web page offers

Glossary in both Spanish and English

List of conjunctions in English (with exercises)

List of connectors in English (with exercises)


Connector review

25 november 2010: Thanksgiving

Next 25th November, most people in the United States of America will celebrate their Thanksgiving day.
Click on the following links to learn more about it and answer the questions about it.

The history of Thanksgiving


Discussion topics: And the winner is ...

In class. Time for discussion:

You are going to watch a Pantene commercial in which they tell us about two girls who compete in a contest. One of them plays the piano and the other one plays the violin. The violinist cannot either talk or hear. Talk to your partner and tell each other about what you can see in the video, what is happening, etc. Look up any word or phrase you need for your description.

Then, answer the following questions:

1) Which of these two contestants do you think deserves the prize? Why?
2) Which of the two characters does just anything to get what she wants?
3) What do you think about the saying:"the end justifies the means"?
4) Do you think artists take out the best of themselves when they go through harsh times in their lives?
5) Do you think this story ends happily or, in other words, that all pays off in the end?
6) Have you ever been, or someone you know, in a situation similar to the violinist's?
7) Do you know how to communicate by using sign language in English?
8) Can you read braille?
9) Can you play any musical instrument? Which one? How long for?
10) Can you draw, paint, write or do any other artistic activity? If so, have you ever taken part in a contest? Have you ever been awarded a scholarship or any other prize for it?

Click here to watch the video (youtube)
Or watch it here below:

Monday 8 November 2010

Books to read and enjoy!

As you probably know, we always suggest reading at least one book per year. They will be available at the school library, so you can either buy it or borrow it from the library.

The books we have chosen for this year at our school, depending on the student's level are the following:


*** You can watch, listen and read this beautiful story written by a boy. Now, he is a soldier who was kidnapped back to 2006, when he was 20 years old:

If you want to read and know more details about this story:
** in Spanish: http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Shalit
** in English: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gilad_Shalit

*** Now, you can watch Vaughan and listen to him telling you about two very important books he is reading. He also compares both books in size and length, so this way you can revise your knowledge about comparisons in English.

Click here to watch part 1

Click here to watch part 2

*** Now, you can watch Lev, who intends to write "The Best Book Ever". He is fun!

*** Click on next link: How many of the novels this person recommends have you read? Have you read any of them in English yet?

*** Watch this video about the books some people would recommend (Advanced level)

*** Story reading: Have some fun listening to the story of the three funny ladybugs!

Now, more serious tasks:
*** You can listen and read the story about "The princess and the tin box" by James Thurber (Intermediate level)

*** Now, you can listen and read: First chapter of Oliver Twist (advanced level)

Tuesday 2 November 2010

Questions about cinema

Last Friday we watched V for Vendetta, a very interesting film which you can borrow from the school library, in case you want to watch it more in detail, you were not able to come to class or you belong to another group.

Now, why not doing this activity so as to practise how to ask and answer questions about films?:


Traditional rhyme for the 5th of November:
Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow;
By God's providence he was catch'd (or by God's mercy*)
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holla boys, Holla boys, let the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the Queen!

SOURCE: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Guy_Fawkes_Night

**** Watch this interview to the main actor, Hugo Weaving. Then, fill in the gaps in the given sentences and answer the last three questions in your own words:

From youtube: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ovk4H3_-DUs

1. I think you did a __________ job, you really moved me.
2. I read the _________ and I loved it.
3. Okay, they want me to go over, they must think it's going to ________ out.
4. I wanna know how much your theatrical ______________ helped you with this role.
5. But essentially, as an actor, you are working on the same _________
6. The _____________ really doesn't unmask himself
7. The ideas are more __________ than the man, more important than the individual.
8. She's very, very _____________ I found, I think everyone.
9. She's ___________, really. She´s very intelligent, and I found her very warm.
10. She's extremely ___________ to work with.
11. I hate __________ personally. I'm not interested in them because they're impossible.
12. We need to understand why people do things _________ than just saying, "They are terrorists"
13. ... that government should be ______________ to the people they represent.

Now answer these questions:
14. Did he play the action scenes or were they played by a stunt?
15. Do the actor and the character have the same opinion about buildings and architecture? Give your reasons.
16. According to the actor, what is the main idea in this film?

Key: 1. magnificent 2.script 3.work 4.background 5.base 6.character 7.important 8. easygoing 9.delightful 10.easy 11.heroes 12.rather 13. responsive 14. A stunt does. 15. The actor respects buildings and architecture. The character in the film sees that concrete building as a symbol of the tirany that has destroyed democracy. 16. The central idea of this film is that people shouldn't live in fear, that we shouldn't live in fear. There's a lot of fear in the world today. This is why probably people respond to that element in the film.

**** You can watch the trailer in case you missed the movie:

Sunday 31 October 2010

Reading and Listening skills

Have a look at these blogs to practise both your Reading and your Listening skills, thanks to the teachers who take part in the programme of Collaboration between Oficial Schools of Languages in La Rioja (EEOOII from La Rioja) and Secondary Schools in La Rioja (IIEESS from La Rioja).

Every month, they add a new listening and a new reading activity on the blog, with key. They will help you to prepare for your Certificate exam:

Programa de Colaboración con IIEESS: Nivel Básico

Programa de Colaboración con IIEESS: Nivel Intermedio

Wednesday 27 October 2010

Revision: Exercises for Basic Level

Go to the following links if you fancy playing!




More exercises at www.educaplay.com

Writing Task

In class, you saw and described a photograph. Then, we started to write the story behind the picture. Basically, in the picture we could see a woman, walking with two small children, leading, probably, towards a police station. We could just see their backs, as they were walking along the pavement, holding their hands, the woman in the middle, with one child on each side.
We just started to make up a story and write it down, but we did not have enough time to finish it.
Can you finish the story?

You can also listen to the beginning of the story here:

Get a Voki now!

*** 4th November 2010: One student's contribution to finish our story

Saturday 23 October 2010

Small talk

SOURCE:http://www.flickr.com/photos/andreasmarx/38313268/(Very nice sign close to Plaza Mayor, and perfect English. ;-). Por andreasmarx)

Practise the following conversations for Lesson Number 1 (2nd year Basic Level. American English):

++++ Describing People
++++ Leisure Activities
++++ Favorite Music
++++ Calling a Friend

Time to speak English!

SOURCE AND ORIGINAL VIDEO (The State Archives of Florida's images featured on The Commons on Flickr have no known copyright restrictions) : http://www.floridamemory.com/PhotographicCollection/video/video.cfm?VID=74

If you wish to improve your level of English, speaking English is the best way!
There are several opportunities for you to do so, apart from your English lessons.

**** Once a month, you can join us at Café Madison, in Albia de Castro street - opposite to IES Hermanos D'Elhuyar-. Remember to check this information every month on our blog for activities outside the classroom:
Next meeting will be held on 4th November 2010, at 9 pm.

**** At El Fuero de Logroño Official School of Languages (our Languages school), you can join the foreign language assistants in the Conversation clubs that have been planned for this year. First, you have to apply for it. Check here the days and timetables for the first months, depending on your level:

SOURCE and images from:

**** Have a look at these pages, which can help you to practise your English:

SOURCE : http://www.cafedelenguas.es/2010/04/enlaces-a-paginas-web-de-interes-ingles/
(Our school magazine:http://www.cafedelenguas.es/)

***** Last, but not least, you can also go to these pages, which are worth a visit if you wish to practise your Speaking skill:

Wednesday 13 October 2010

Joy as first Chile miners freed (from BBC news)

Good news!
Miners in Chile are being freed!

Video and article about the moment when the first miner is rescued:


Second Chile miner's euphoria at surface:


****** You can watch the rescue live, right now, on the BBC site:


Wednesday 11 August 2010

The Pillars of the Earth

Very good news!
Have you ever read "The Pillars of the Earth", by Ken Follet?
If you have not read it yet, I am pretty sure you will enjoy it. Why not starting now? ... And not only in Spanish but also in English, to improve your level of the language!
If you already know about the plot and its characters, you will surely enjoy the eight-chapter series which will be seen in Spain next September.
To wet your appetite, have a look at the trailer, in English:

SOURCE: Watch it in youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GSa6AhEWebA&feature=channel

*** Why not trying this crossword now?

The words in this crossword are mentioned in the trailer you have just seen about "The Pillars of the Earth". Find them out as you read about their meaning.

Problems to see the crossword in its complete size? CLICK HERE

*** Now, you can watch this:
Behind the camera

You can also watch it in youtube:http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L86quRXY6zI&feature=fvw

*** Vocabulary task: Find six words which have been mentioned in the video above. All of them are words related to the world of cinema:

Any problems to see the worgrid properly? CLICK HERE

*** Do you want to read more news about it: plot, characters, reviews and so on?

Then, visit this page:http://www.the-pillars-of-the-earth.tv/index.php?option=com_content&view=article&id=89&Itemid=122

Thursday 5 August 2010

Trees and birds that you can find in La Rioja (Spain)


*** Try this dictation task. You will listen to the names of some trees that you can find in La Rioja. Write them down and then, check your answers.

Problems to see it complete? CLICK HERE

**** Now, match both the English word and its Spanish equivalent:
Problems to see it complete? CLICK HERE


*** Try this dictation task. You will listen to the names of some birds that you can find in La Rioja. Write them down and then, check your answers.

Problems to see it complete? CLICK HERE

**** Now, match both the English word and its Spanish equivalent:

Problems to see it complete? CLICK HERE

*** SOURCE: Dictation activities created with the collaboration (voice) of Scott, our Foreign language assistant and thanks to the help offered by www.educaplay.com.
You can also see more activities created by me at: http://www.educaplay.com/es/mieducaplay/890/Olartia.htm

*** Do you want to learn more specific vocabulary about the trees, bushes and birds which you can find in La Rioja? Check the results of the tiny investigation I carried out to find the names in the three languages, thanks to the help of my ex-colleague Dolores Canals and her material and knowledge about the matter:

Trees, bushes and birds in La Rioja (Spain)

Note: For slower connections, go here: http://www.scribd.com/doc/35404093/Trees-bushes-and-birds-in-La-Rioja-Spain

Tuesday 27 July 2010

An article: "She's beautiful - a miracle baby."

I think this article will be interesting to motivate you to improve your English, as it is a nice and unusual story and you can also practise by listening to different accents. Have a look at it!

Nmachi: "Beauty of God"

UK : un couple noir donne naissance à une fillette blanche
Cargado por afriqueredaction. - Descubre vídeos de gente, familia y amigos.

If you cannot see the video properly, go to the original source and watch it: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/video/article300101.ece?vxSiteId=0bc72527-aa8e-4487-a5e8-94aae448c9dd&vxChannel=Sun%20Exclusive&vxClipId=1347_SUN46766&vxBitrate=300

*** Listening task:
Answer the questions about this video you have just watched. The numbers refer to the order they are answered in the video:

Problems to see the complete chart? CLICK HERE

You can read the original article in English if you click on the following link:


*** Now, why not trying to do this game as you watch the video again? The written article on the link below may help you.
Instructions: Try to solve this wordgrid. Find the hidden words and select them by dragging the mouse over the first letter and the following ones. If you can't find them, click on "show word" so as to make a word visible. Then, it will be found. Watch out! The fewer clues you ask for, the more points you will get.

Problems to see the wordgrid? CLICK HERE

I got the idea of creating this post for you when I watched the video on this page: http://es.noticias.yahoo.com/blogs/salud_consumo/el-beb-que-ha-asombrado-a-la-ciencia-p16176.html

I created the listening task and the wordgrid thanks to educaplay. Check it here and do more vocabulary-related activities if you wish: http://www.educaplay.com/verActividad.php?idActividad=1753

You can read more news here:
**** The Sun homepage:http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/

You can read interesting articles here:
**** The Sun magazine: http://www.thesunmagazine.org/

Read about the Sun in wikipedia and learn more vocabulary: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sun_(United_Kingdom)

Friday 23 July 2010

Saturday 3 July 2010

Listen to some avatars talking about London

I suggest listening to these avatars and trying to fill in the gaps with only one word in the given sentences. You can listen to the avatars as many times as you need and later,you can also read the sentences aloud in order to practise your pronunciation skill. Another idea: you can do a dictation task and then check your spelling. You will hear different voices in these video-clips. And finally, you can have lots of fun creating your own avatars and messages and then, if you fancy doing so, you can include them on your blog. For that, visit: http://www.voki.com/create.php

Sugerencia (muy útil para alumnos que no entienden aún los símbolos fonéticos o para esas palabras que no encuentres en ningún diccionario de fonética): En esa página puedes escribir en inglés la palabra o frase en inglés que quieras saber cómo se pronuncia y el avatar te la dirá.

Nota: A veces no se visualizan los video-clips. Paciencia y vuelve a intentarlo en otro momento. A mi me ha pasado y, por eso, he creado el archivo que puedes escuchar aquí si volviera a ocurrir:

*** You have all the gaps in a whole text here, in case you want to print it: http://www.scribd.com/doc/33930830/London-Gaps

About London

1. Most londoners are still (1)_______ when work begins in the city’s ancient markets.

Get a Voki now!

2.The streets are empty in the early morning so it’s the best time to make (2)_____________.

Get a Voki now!

3. It’s an hour or two later and office workers are arriving from the (3)_________. More than 3,000,000 people travel into london every day.

Get a Voki now!

4. Tourists soon appear, (4)________ to take a ride on the London Eye or visit museums and famous sights like the Tower of London before they become too (5)_________.

Get a Voki now!

5. You always know what time it is if you are near Westminster. The clock tower (6)_____ , called Big Ben, (7)________ every quarter hour.

Get a Voki now!

6. By ten o’clock in the morning the shops along Oxford Street are open for (8)________. You can find some of London’s most famous shops along this street.

Get a Voki now!

7. Nearby it’s Covent Garden, a lively (9)_____________ with (10)_________ boutiques and market (11)_________.

Get a Voki now!

8.It’s now 11:30 in the morning and (12)__________ are waiting outside Buckingham Palace for the (13)__________ of the guard. It’s a tradition that goes back hundreds of years.

Get a Voki now!

9. Londoners stop for lunch at about one o’clock. You might want to sit down to a traditional roast (14)________ dinner at London’s oldest restaurant.

Get a Voki now!

10. The river is like a (15)__________. Tourist boats run up and down the (16)__________, passing landmarks like the Houses of Parliament and Saint Paul’s cathedral.

Get a Voki now!

11.It can rain any day of the year in London, so be prepared for (17)_______ weather. If you are lucky, you might see Tower Bridge opening to let a large boat pass (18)__________.

Get a Voki now!

12.People visit London’s green parks in the afternoon to walk or just sit for a (19)________ and relax. The famous (20)________ clock on Leicester Square tells you that it’s five o’clock. This is the time that London’s evening (21)______ hour begins.

Get a Voki now!

13. Theatres open in the West End at about 7:30. Many of the world’s best (22)_______ plays and musicals were first (23)_________ here. Restaurants are busy at this time of night.

Get a Voki now!

14.And so are the cinemas. Londoners don’t stop (24)________ fun when the pubs and restaurants close. From about 11 o’clock people start (25)_________ outside the clubs.

Get a Voki now!

15. London is a city that never (26)_________.

Get a Voki now!

1.asleep 2.deliveries 3.suburbs 4.keen 5.busy 6.bell 7.chimes 8.business 9.neighbourhood 10.trendy 11.stores 12.crowds 13.changing 14.beef 15.highway 16.Thames 17.wet 18.through 19.while 20.Swiss 21.rush 22.love 23.staged 24.having 25.queuing 26.sleeps

*** Transcript
También puedes leer la transcripción aquí:

London and other transcripts (by Total English)

*** Sugerencia: Echa un vistazo a la página de Total English, hay ejercicios de todos los niveles:

SOURCES: Activity created thanks to:
**** Video-clips and avatars: http://www.voki.com/create.php
**** Tapescript extracted when listening to a video about London. Thanks a lot to Total Preintermediate Video, where the extracted words come from. ... And after all the hard work, I just found the transcript on the net!
**** Audacity and archive.org will help you when the avatars are resting!
**** Scribd also cooperates.
**** Also thanks to the page on C.R.I.E. , where I found the way to go to http://www.voki.com/ and find out how to create my voki avatars.
**** By the way, did you recognize my voice in one of the avatars? You can also have your own avatar, why not trying it? It's fun! (And you could try to send it to me through the public email above!)

**** Useful tools for teachers:
Now, if you fancy learning about other teachers' experiences, you can watch a video, on http://www.teachers.tv/, about how to use this and other tools in class: Click on the following link:http://www.teachers.tv/videos/online-communities-in-the-classroom

Wednesday 23 June 2010

Tuesday 1 June 2010

Mysteries of the world: Atlantis (Atlántida)

SOURCE: Image found in http://www.unmuseum.org/atlantis.htm

"In Plato's book, Timaeus, a character named Kritias tells an account of Atlantis that has been in his family for generations:
There had been a powerful empire located to the west of the "Pillars of Hercules" (what we now call the Straight of Gibraltar) on an island in the Atlantic Ocean.The nation there had been established by Poseidon, the God of the Sea. Poseidon fathered five sets of twins on the island. The firstborn, Atlas, had the continent and the surrounding ocean named for him. Poseidon divided the land into ten sections, each to be ruled by a son, or his heirs.
The capital city of Atlantis was a marvel of architecture and engineering. The city was composed of a series of concentric walls and canals. At the very center was a hill, and on top of the hill a temple to Poseidon. Inside was a gold statue of the God of the Sea showing him driving six winged horses.
About 9000 years before the time of Plato, after the people of Atlantis became corrupt and greedy, the gods decided to destroy them. A violent earthquake shook the land, giant waves rolled over the shores, and the island sank into the sea, never to be seen again.
So, is the story of Atlantis just a fable used by Plato to make a point? Or is there some reason to think he was referring to a real place?"
(If you want to read this article, go to the source: http://www.unmuseum.org/atlantis.htm)

***** Glossary:
- Character (noun): personaje
- Straight (noun): Estrecho
- Heir (noun): Heredero
- Greedy (adjective): Avaricioso
- Earthquake(noun): Terremoto
- Shore (noun): Orilla

*** Play this game:

***** Watch two videos about it in discovery channel:

VIDEO ONE : Solving History with Olly Steeds: The Atlantis Mystery - (01:17)
Plato wrote the first account of this mighty (poderosa)city brought down by nature's fury and Olly is determined (decidido)to test the truth behind the tale.

Added: 12-May-2010

VIDEO TWO : Solving History with Olly Steeds: The Ruins of Atlantis - (02:22)
Standing atop the island of Santorini, Olly makes a strong case that this site matches Plato's description of where a great city was swallowed (engullida, tragada) by the sea.

Added: 12-May-2010

***** Further reading about the topic:

***** Books on Atlantis in Amazon (in English):http://www.amazon.com/The-Best-Books-on-Atlantis/lm/LCUY1RVHQ1ZF

*** Have you read "Atlántida", by Javier Negrete? I have enjoyed this book very much myself! It is great! I strongly recommend it to you.

***** You may fancy watching the trailer of the novel(in Spanish): (I would love to see the film!)

Monday 31 May 2010

About Scotland

SOURCE: Study of a small girl with a prize Scottish terrier dog, c. 1935 / by Sam Hood.
Picture from State Library of New South Wales collection: http://www.flickr.com/photos/statelibraryofnsw/3211639268/sizes/o

*Do you want to learn more about Scotland? Check this older post on this blog:

*Read some information about Scotland: http://www.teachingenglish.org.uk/uk-languages/scotland

*Do you intend to travel to Scotland this summer? Check this site: http://www.visitscotland.com/

*Do you fancy listening to a Scottish radio? Click on "Listen live" in the following link and you will listen to some Scottish people talking:http://www.bbc.co.uk/radioscotland/

Thursday 20 May 2010

Poesía en varios idiomas / Poetry in different languages

Si quereis ver los vídeos de Ben y otras personas que intervinieron en el recital de poemas: http://masqueclases.blogspot.com/2010/05/blog-post.html

Tuesday 11 May 2010

Goodbye from our Language assistants year 2009-2010

Ben and Scott, our English Language assistants in the academic year 2009-2010, recorded a video to say goodbye to all the students at our Language school, EOI "El Fuero de Logroño". You are welcome to watch it. You can also visit our magazine and watch the video the other language assistants (Cecile, French, and Filippina, Italian) have recorded for the students : http://www.cafedelenguas.es

Wednesday 5 May 2010


SOURCE: http://en.bab.la/quiz/driving-school-exam

Learn languages - bab.la language quiz

Another quiz about driving, from the same web page: CLICK HERE

Quizzes: Revision for Basic Level

Thanks to bab.la you can do some quizzes to check your knowledge so far (SOURCE: http://en.bab.la/quiz/ ):

- Present simple/present continuous:

Learn languages - bab.la language quiz

- Irregular simple past:

Aprende idiomas - bab.la pruebas lingüísticas

- Present perfect/simple past:

Learn languages - bab.la language quiz

Learn languages - bab.la language quiz

- Gerund/infinitive:

Learn languages - bab.la language quiz

- Colocaciones básicas en inglés:

Learn languages - bab.la language quiz

Phrasal verbs can be fun!

Thanks to bab.la you can do these quizzes and learn more about phrasal verbs, more specifically, with the verbs "get","look","run", "bring" and "make". I also include here the SOURCE: the original page where you can find these and lots of quizzes to practise your English: http://en.bab.la/quiz/?&page=1

Learn languages - bab.la language quiz

Learn languages - bab.la language quiz

Learn languages - bab.la language quiz

Learn languages - bab.la language quiz

Learn languages - bab.la language quiz

Nota: También tienes posibilidad de practicar otros idiomas: http://en.bab.la/quiz/

Saturday 24 April 2010


Hello, everybody!
I am about to finish a Distance Learning Course about the rights and duties of anybody publishing anything on the web. As I still find some details a bit difficult to comprehend, I think I should write something about my opinon regarding this matter, in order to correct any unintended mistake I may have made in the past, concerning the works by other authors.
As it is a complex issue, which deals with the contents we can and the contents we can't include on our blogs, when they belong to someone else, I am going to express my view, that is to say, my sincere gratitude to all the people who make it possible that we can share our knowledge on the Internet.
Therefore, I think it is about time I acknowledged all the authors from the websites whose material is on this blog, either through a link or pasted or embedded here, for the usage I make of their useful tools on my blog to help my students to improve their English, and just to mention a few: software, videos, listenings, podcasts, English learning activities and exercises, song lyrics, readings, articles, texts, images, facilities, explanations, information, etc., etc., etc.
I have always tried to include the source and only use free material and material free of charge, as I strongly believe that the Internet should be free of use for the benefit of us all but, just in the unlikely case that I have ever forgotten to thank any of you, I state it here: Thank you to all of you, thank you very much for your help and cooperation, explicit or implicit, small, big, or even great! to this blog, which is just meant to be a useful tool for Distance Learning Students of English, above all, but may also be useful for more people.
In the same way, I offer my tiny contribution to this purpose, in the hope that with the help of all of us, English will be learnt by more people than now.
In case any of the sites do not agree with the inclusion or usage of their material and/or software on this blog, please send an email to the public email address above and I, although very sadly, will eliminate it from the blog without hesitation.
In the future, I will try to be even more careful regarding which material I can and which material I can´t include here. I will also revise older entries and include the source of the images, so be patient! That will take me months!
Thank you very much

Entrega de títulos a nuevos catedráticos en La Rioja

Last Monday 45 teachers at a Secondary School or at an Official School of Languages in La Rioja were given our corresponding Certificate (Título de Catedrático/a) in an event held by the Education Bureau in La Rioja (Consejería de Educación de La Rioja). You can see the photo we were taken together with the president of La Rioja, Pedro Sanz, and the Education authorities:

SOURCE: Original picture in http://www.educarioja.org

Thursday 22 April 2010

Song: "Sick of Love" (Robert Ramírez)

Just watch and enjoy this song! (You can also sing and dance along!) Lots of people keep singing it:

******** Listening task:

Now, listen to it and do the listening task:

***Fill in the gaps:

Lyrics (Sick Of Love by Robert Ramírez) :

I’m here 1)__________
Waiting at 2) _________
I cannot feel the air no more
Sick of love
My 3)___________ is sick of love

I even know
It’s getting 4)_________
I turn off the radio
Sick of love
My air is sick of love

I cannot 5)__________
I’m more than 6) __________
Everything I think is 7) _________
Sick of love
My mind is sick of love

Who is blamed
With that 8)_________
You can't trust me anymore
Sick of love
We are all sick of love

Yeahhhh, I'm gonna fly
Tonight I'm taking you
Don't be afraid
I am your superman

I'll bring a box with 9)________
To put you in
Let’s dance again
The evil 10)__________

I’m gonna fly...

I’m here alone …
I even know …
I cannot find …
Who is blamed …

Just feel the music
Don’t feel the pain
We are in a river
We are all insane
It’s getting better
It’s not a game
You want to live it, you want
You must forget

I’m gonna fly...

**** KEY:
1)alone 2)home 3)heart 4)worse 5)find 6)blind 7)wrong 8)flame 9)sugar 10)game

Earth day: 22nd April 2010

SOURCE: Original picture in: www.floresyplantas.net/.../
"A Spanish woman who died in 2008 has left 3 million Euros to protect the endangered Iberian Lynx. Listed as critically endangered, with only about 200 remaining, the Iberian Lynx is the most endangered feline species on Earth. The decline of the species began in the early 1900’s with the expansion of urban development and hunting."(Read more...: Source )

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Vocabulary: Animals

Do you feel curiosity about the kingdom of animals? Check if you know the names of these animals in English: CLICK HERE TO PLAY

SOURCE: Original images in: http://www.purposegames.com/game/1664 and:http://www.purposegames.com/game/british-mammals-quiz

And what about these?



Sports: Baseball, chess


SOURCE: Original image in:www.purposegames.com/game/563

Baseball is a sport we hardly know about. Why not playing this game and learning about its vocabulary and the position of each person when playing?


You can also read the English definition for some words:

Umpire (árbitro)
Catcher (catcher/ receptor)
Pitcher (pitcher/lanzador)
Right handed batter (bateador)
Left handed batter
First baseman
Second baseman
Third baseman
First base coach
Third base coach
Left fielder
Center fielder
Right fielder


SOURCE: Original image in:http://www.purposegames.com/game/2397

pawn (peón)
rook (torre)
Knight (caballo)
bishop (alfil)
queen (reina)
king (rey)


Listening practice

Watch the video twice and answer the questions. CLICK HERE

Now, if you want to do more exercises, watch the other videos and do the exercises: CLICK HERE

NI 2: Sample exam

Click HERE to do an exam to practise for your Certificate exam.

NB 2: Sample exam

Click HERE to do an exam to practise for your Certificate exam

Sunday 18 April 2010

What about speaking other languages?

SOURCE: Original picture in:http://www.flickr.com/photos/robdeman/2390666040/

Browse this link from the BBC page if you intend to travel somewhere in Europe or... why not? to any country around the world! ... there are so many places!!! ... and want to speak a little bit in their own language:

Or have a look at their audio and video courses

Okay, okay, all you want (and need!) right now is some help to improve your English: CLICK HERE TO PRACTISE YOUR BRITISH ENGLISH

SOURCE: Original image in:http://www.flickr.com/photos/psd/119265898/

Our school magazine: "Café de Lenguas"

SOURCE: Original picture in: http://www.flickr.com/photos/tnboriqua/2554351017/in/photostream/

There is a new magazine at the school: some teachers and students from EOI "El Fuero de Logroño" have taken part in this interesting project. It is written in several languages and has a varied diversity of topics that may be of your interest.
To start with, why not doing a quiz? I hope you enjoy both the quiz and the videos that go along with it!:
How much do you know about English culture?

And you can also go to the home page and see other articles:
Magazine/Revista: CAFÉ DE LENGUAS