Saturday 24 April 2010


Hello, everybody!
I am about to finish a Distance Learning Course about the rights and duties of anybody publishing anything on the web. As I still find some details a bit difficult to comprehend, I think I should write something about my opinon regarding this matter, in order to correct any unintended mistake I may have made in the past, concerning the works by other authors.
As it is a complex issue, which deals with the contents we can and the contents we can't include on our blogs, when they belong to someone else, I am going to express my view, that is to say, my sincere gratitude to all the people who make it possible that we can share our knowledge on the Internet.
Therefore, I think it is about time I acknowledged all the authors from the websites whose material is on this blog, either through a link or pasted or embedded here, for the usage I make of their useful tools on my blog to help my students to improve their English, and just to mention a few: software, videos, listenings, podcasts, English learning activities and exercises, song lyrics, readings, articles, texts, images, facilities, explanations, information, etc., etc., etc.
I have always tried to include the source and only use free material and material free of charge, as I strongly believe that the Internet should be free of use for the benefit of us all but, just in the unlikely case that I have ever forgotten to thank any of you, I state it here: Thank you to all of you, thank you very much for your help and cooperation, explicit or implicit, small, big, or even great! to this blog, which is just meant to be a useful tool for Distance Learning Students of English, above all, but may also be useful for more people.
In the same way, I offer my tiny contribution to this purpose, in the hope that with the help of all of us, English will be learnt by more people than now.
In case any of the sites do not agree with the inclusion or usage of their material and/or software on this blog, please send an email to the public email address above and I, although very sadly, will eliminate it from the blog without hesitation.
In the future, I will try to be even more careful regarding which material I can and which material I can´t include here. I will also revise older entries and include the source of the images, so be patient! That will take me months!
Thank you very much

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