Nmachi: "Beauty of God"
UK : un couple noir donne naissance à une fillette blanche
Cargado por afriqueredaction. - Descubre vídeos de gente, familia y amigos.
If you cannot see the video properly, go to the original source and watch it: http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/video/article300101.ece?vxSiteId=0bc72527-aa8e-4487-a5e8-94aae448c9dd&vxChannel=Sun%20Exclusive&vxClipId=1347_SUN46766&vxBitrate=300
*** Listening task:
Answer the questions about this video you have just watched. The numbers refer to the order they are answered in the video:
Problems to see the complete chart? CLICK HERE
You can read the original article in English if you click on the following link:
*** Now, why not trying to do this game as you watch the video again? The written article on the link below may help you.
Instructions: Try to solve this wordgrid. Find the hidden words and select them by dragging the mouse over the first letter and the following ones. If you can't find them, click on "show word" so as to make a word visible. Then, it will be found. Watch out! The fewer clues you ask for, the more points you will get.
Problems to see the wordgrid? CLICK HERE
I got the idea of creating this post for you when I watched the video on this page: http://es.noticias.yahoo.com/blogs/salud_consumo/el-beb-que-ha-asombrado-a-la-ciencia-p16176.html
I created the listening task and the wordgrid thanks to educaplay. Check it here and do more vocabulary-related activities if you wish: http://www.educaplay.com/verActividad.php?idActividad=1753
You can read more news here:
**** The Sun homepage:http://www.thesun.co.uk/sol/homepage/
You can read interesting articles here:
**** The Sun magazine: http://www.thesunmagazine.org/
Read about the Sun in wikipedia and learn more vocabulary: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Sun_(United_Kingdom)
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