Wednesday 3 December 2008

(2º NI) Module 8. Lesson 6

2º Nivel Intermedio.
Module 8. Lesson 6: What do the British read?

* The most recent bestsellers in Britain

Have a look at the newspapers and magazines that are written in English:

* Newspapers in Britain

* magazines

* Do you fancy reading some poems in English?

Now, a beautiful poem about beauty:

Beauty lies in the beholder's eyes

So many beauties in this appealing world
The true beauty lies in the beholder's eyes
There is beauty in the child's innocence and in mother's love
There is beauty in a friend's affection and in a tender heart
There is beauty in a pretty smile and in caring eyes
There is beauty in the morning sun and in a rainy day
There is beauty in a pleasant spring and in a snowflake
There is beauty in the milky moon and the graceful rivers
There is beauty in a hard earned victory and a hopeful soul
There is beauty in me and beauty in you
So many beauties in this spectacular world and its dazzling life
And the true beauty lies in the beholder's eyes

by Kavitha Krishnamurthy

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