Saturday 24 April 2010


Hello, everybody!
I am about to finish a Distance Learning Course about the rights and duties of anybody publishing anything on the web. As I still find some details a bit difficult to comprehend, I think I should write something about my opinon regarding this matter, in order to correct any unintended mistake I may have made in the past, concerning the works by other authors.
As it is a complex issue, which deals with the contents we can and the contents we can't include on our blogs, when they belong to someone else, I am going to express my view, that is to say, my sincere gratitude to all the people who make it possible that we can share our knowledge on the Internet.
Therefore, I think it is about time I acknowledged all the authors from the websites whose material is on this blog, either through a link or pasted or embedded here, for the usage I make of their useful tools on my blog to help my students to improve their English, and just to mention a few: software, videos, listenings, podcasts, English learning activities and exercises, song lyrics, readings, articles, texts, images, facilities, explanations, information, etc., etc., etc.
I have always tried to include the source and only use free material and material free of charge, as I strongly believe that the Internet should be free of use for the benefit of us all but, just in the unlikely case that I have ever forgotten to thank any of you, I state it here: Thank you to all of you, thank you very much for your help and cooperation, explicit or implicit, small, big, or even great! to this blog, which is just meant to be a useful tool for Distance Learning Students of English, above all, but may also be useful for more people.
In the same way, I offer my tiny contribution to this purpose, in the hope that with the help of all of us, English will be learnt by more people than now.
In case any of the sites do not agree with the inclusion or usage of their material and/or software on this blog, please send an email to the public email address above and I, although very sadly, will eliminate it from the blog without hesitation.
In the future, I will try to be even more careful regarding which material I can and which material I can´t include here. I will also revise older entries and include the source of the images, so be patient! That will take me months!
Thank you very much

Entrega de títulos a nuevos catedráticos en La Rioja

Last Monday 45 teachers at a Secondary School or at an Official School of Languages in La Rioja were given our corresponding Certificate (Título de Catedrático/a) in an event held by the Education Bureau in La Rioja (Consejería de Educación de La Rioja). You can see the photo we were taken together with the president of La Rioja, Pedro Sanz, and the Education authorities:

SOURCE: Original picture in

Thursday 22 April 2010

Song: "Sick of Love" (Robert Ramírez)

Just watch and enjoy this song! (You can also sing and dance along!) Lots of people keep singing it:

******** Listening task:

Now, listen to it and do the listening task:

***Fill in the gaps:

Lyrics (Sick Of Love by Robert Ramírez) :

I’m here 1)__________
Waiting at 2) _________
I cannot feel the air no more
Sick of love
My 3)___________ is sick of love

I even know
It’s getting 4)_________
I turn off the radio
Sick of love
My air is sick of love

I cannot 5)__________
I’m more than 6) __________
Everything I think is 7) _________
Sick of love
My mind is sick of love

Who is blamed
With that 8)_________
You can't trust me anymore
Sick of love
We are all sick of love

Yeahhhh, I'm gonna fly
Tonight I'm taking you
Don't be afraid
I am your superman

I'll bring a box with 9)________
To put you in
Let’s dance again
The evil 10)__________

I’m gonna fly...

I’m here alone …
I even know …
I cannot find …
Who is blamed …

Just feel the music
Don’t feel the pain
We are in a river
We are all insane
It’s getting better
It’s not a game
You want to live it, you want
You must forget

I’m gonna fly...

**** KEY:
1)alone 2)home 3)heart 4)worse 5)find 6)blind 7)wrong 8)flame 9)sugar 10)game

Earth day: 22nd April 2010

SOURCE: Original picture in:
"A Spanish woman who died in 2008 has left 3 million Euros to protect the endangered Iberian Lynx. Listed as critically endangered, with only about 200 remaining, the Iberian Lynx is the most endangered feline species on Earth. The decline of the species began in the early 1900’s with the expansion of urban development and hunting."(Read more...: Source )

Tuesday 20 April 2010

Vocabulary: Animals

Do you feel curiosity about the kingdom of animals? Check if you know the names of these animals in English: CLICK HERE TO PLAY

SOURCE: Original images in: and:

And what about these?



Sports: Baseball, chess


SOURCE: Original image

Baseball is a sport we hardly know about. Why not playing this game and learning about its vocabulary and the position of each person when playing?


You can also read the English definition for some words:

Umpire (árbitro)
Catcher (catcher/ receptor)
Pitcher (pitcher/lanzador)
Right handed batter (bateador)
Left handed batter
First baseman
Second baseman
Third baseman
First base coach
Third base coach
Left fielder
Center fielder
Right fielder


SOURCE: Original image in:

pawn (peón)
rook (torre)
Knight (caballo)
bishop (alfil)
queen (reina)
king (rey)


Listening practice

Watch the video twice and answer the questions. CLICK HERE

Now, if you want to do more exercises, watch the other videos and do the exercises: CLICK HERE

NI 2: Sample exam

Click HERE to do an exam to practise for your Certificate exam.

NB 2: Sample exam

Click HERE to do an exam to practise for your Certificate exam

Sunday 18 April 2010

What about speaking other languages?

SOURCE: Original picture in:

Browse this link from the BBC page if you intend to travel somewhere in Europe or... why not? to any country around the world! ... there are so many places!!! ... and want to speak a little bit in their own language:

Or have a look at their audio and video courses

Okay, okay, all you want (and need!) right now is some help to improve your English: CLICK HERE TO PRACTISE YOUR BRITISH ENGLISH

SOURCE: Original image in:

Our school magazine: "Café de Lenguas"

SOURCE: Original picture in:

There is a new magazine at the school: some teachers and students from EOI "El Fuero de Logroño" have taken part in this interesting project. It is written in several languages and has a varied diversity of topics that may be of your interest.
To start with, why not doing a quiz? I hope you enjoy both the quiz and the videos that go along with it!:
How much do you know about English culture?

And you can also go to the home page and see other articles:
Magazine/Revista: CAFÉ DE LENGUAS

Tuesday 13 April 2010

NI 2: Some tasks to prepare your Certificate exam

SOURCE: Original picture in:

As I told you yesterday, in the previous post you have the links to what we did last year for lessons 5, 6 and 7 (Module 9). And, also, here I include the links to very interesting and useful posts on the three blogs from teachers at our school for second year of Intermediate level (NI 2). And also, a link to two posts from another teacher of Intermediate level:

*** You can do this listening for lesson number 5, thanks to Gloria: OLD AGE

*** You can do some grammar and vocabulary exercises from Straightforward Intermediate level here (with key), thanks to Ana:
- Lesson 8
- Lesson 9

*** Learn and do more practice thanks to Soraya:
- The Media
- Driving
- Differences between "rob" and "steal"

*** Now, thanks to a teacher from Avilés, you can have a look at the info about Molly Malone and listen to the song as you do the listening task: MOLLY MALONE
- Or you can learn a bit more about STONEHENGE and do the listening exercise, thanks to her links.

Saturday 3 April 2010

NI2 Module 9 Lesson 5, 6 and 7

In order to help you to prepare your lessons in advance, the following links will take you to what we have from last year:

*** Lesson 5

*** Lesson 6

*** Lesson 7

Remember: Suggested compositions